It is Saturday again..Thanks God I did not need to accompany my mother to the market as my parents going to my last brother's new place for a feast..
I just stayed at home nice! That's another great part being unmarried as I do not need to wake up early bcoz no child is crying waiting for me to feed him or her..and no husband grumbling about me being sleepyhead during the weekends..Seriously if I have my own place to stay, maybe I would not even be out of my comfortable bed..but as I still living at my parents' place, I am always being awakened by my mother who would banged my bedroom's door at noon..just waking me up..haiiiiizzz...the bad thing in my life - I HAVE NO PLACE TO LIVE ON MY OWN AND ALONE!
So, today was so peaceful..I even managed to read 5 Malay novels in a day..CRAZY, right??? That's just me..but I am happy to be crazy over reading novels rather than crazy over some assholes out there who are just wasting my time by giving me empty promises and false hopes...hehehehehehehe..Back to my Saturday..I ate the Ginger Snap which Lynn bought for me..Thank you so much, Lynn..I ate it alot..while reading my novel..
Why I read novel eversince my unemployment?
To me personally, by reading I can slower the process of my brain being frozen..whoahahahahha..indeed, I always remind myself that unemployment is not an excuse to become STUPID! That's why at every unemployment, I would made a point to visit the nearby public library to borrow some books..I am entitled only to 8 books for 14 days..used to be entitled with 16 books but I no longer pay the premium membership of $40 annual due to my employment..By visiting the public library during my unemployment also allowing me to be out of my house and move around..rather than stay in bed mourning for my rotten fate in life - being depressed and suicidal..I just make a point to be a bookworm...ok..ok..a VERY FAT Bookworm..hehehehehehe..I am CUTE, ok...
Books are my favourite since I was only a child..eversince I was eligible to be library member..hehehehehe..I read all sorts of books..depending on my mood at that time..ahakz..Eversince I started working, I have my own book collection at home..yeah..a mini library for myself..While others spending money on cigarettes, alcohols and drugs, I spend most of my salary on books..Indeed I am a bookworm inside..despite the fact I am also a workaholic and shopaholic - I love shoes!
That's why too I have no time to go on dates or mingle with men out there..Sorry, guys..hehehehehehehe..I know many said,"No one is really busy..It is all about priority"..Indeed my priority is what I love and enjoy doing in my current life...indeed to be on dating spree is no longer my interest..I always get bored meeting new people especially men..Men also get bored meeting me bcoz when I am bored, I am very quiet and totally shut off - not bothered about my surroundings..Again..sorry, guys..hehehehehe..that's how I stay unmarried, single and no boyfriend in particular..I am more interested to stay in bed during the weekends..relaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax...sleeeeeeeeeeepiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing..rather than going on dates..whoahahahaha...