Friday, 9 December 2016


Yesterday Ms G asked me whether would I consider been transfer to Trademarks Department..I was like,"Oh shit..NOT Intellectual Property.."..indeed IP has been my nightmare working in law firm all these years..My response was,"I don't think so..I am not interested in IP.."..shoooo, IP, shoooooo..Still, Ms G promoting it as something new for me to learn..I firmly replied,"No"..She just could smiled faintly..

After that mini meeting, I was called by Ms relation to the same matter..Reasons for transfer are there is an opening at the said department and my refusal might affect my chances of having my employment CONFIRMED..I sighed..WHY ME??? WHY this kind of things ALWAYS happening to me in life??? Haiiiiizzz..I took a deep breath first before responding to Ms K..My reply,"I dislike promising something which I know I cannot deliver..To me personally, I do not wish to be someone who said "Can Do" but the very next working day, I am MISSING IN ACTION..I just want to work in what I am comfortable of..However, if my refusal to accept transfer is going to affect my journey in working as a secretary in this firm; I am positively looking forward to have myself let go..officially and honourably..I do not wish to create any troubles at workplace..especially at this age.."..Ms K expressed her worries in regards of my employment not being confirmed..I assured her that there's nothing to worry I will be ready when it happens..I can always hunt for another unemployed again rather than I give troubles to others in the said miserable for NOT refusing the 'unpleasant' job transfer..

I told my cousin Lynn about it..She was shocked that at last, I managed to stand up for my rights and be firm about it rather than complaining, whining and grumbling later on for doing something I dislike..Indeed, I was just proud that this time around I did not let anyone treating me like a ball..passing here and there..from one place to another..despite the fact, I now have the potential to lose my current job..Haiiiiizzz..If that really happens, what more can I do..R.E.D.H.A. only ah..I shall motivate myself by telling myself there's something better for me out there..Trust in GOD..Search deeper..

I told Lynn - how I wish there is a VERY RICH man who can accepts the fat me and financially support me in life..OLD is ok..but MUST be VERY RICH..bcoz I still have to contribute to my parents as long as they are still alive..not alot..but at least a bit..Hehehehehehe..Lynn laughed aloud..Indeed it was a good joke..ahakz..but seriously, if there is a VERY RICH man out there who can accepts a fatso like me..please step forward..I can cook, clean the house, shop, listen and make an old man feels young again..Yes! I will listen to a man who pays me well..hehehehehehe..*Ya ampun, De..canda terus kamu..whoahahahahaha..*